Untouchable (Iron Cobras MC - Book #1) Read online


  Iron Cobras MC Series Book #1

  Blair Grey

  Copyright © 2018 by Blair Grey

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


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  Also by Blair Grey

  1. Axel

  2. Sarah

  3. Axel

  4. Sarah

  5. Axel

  6. Sarah

  7. Axel

  8. Sarah

  9. Axel

  10. Sarah

  11. Axel

  12. Sarah

  13. Axel

  14. Sarah

  15. Axel

  16. Sarah

  17. Axel

  18. Sarah

  19. Axel

  20. Sarah

  21. Axel

  22. Sarah

  23. Axel


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  Also by Blair Grey

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  Get My Box Sets

  Red Eyes Box Set

  Dearest MC Box Set

  Outcasts MC Box Set



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  Vintage. Ready to be brought back to life - the nightlife. She sat in an empty parking lot, waiting for me and only me to pick her up, dust her off, and put her big ass back to work again. “It’s been empty for the last twenty-five years.” Pulling open the double doors, I found them remarkably heavy. “Boss, this place has awesome bones. Try out these doors. They’ve gotta weigh a couple of hundred pounds each. This is why I love this place. It’s old as hell, but it’s got loads of character.”

  “Old as hell, huh?” Carl Davis, my boss and president of the MC we both belonged to, the Iron Cobras, scanned the dark interior we’d walked into. “The fifties are ancient to you, Axel?” It seemed that he’d done his homework on the building.

  I hadn’t told him how old it really was because I worried he would think it would cost too much of the club’s hard-earned money to bring it up to speed. “Hell yeah.” Noticing the silver hair that hung in one long braid down Carl’s back, I thought he might be from that decade and didn’t want to offend the man I was trying to get to agree to buy the place for me to run. “I mean – nah, that’s not so old. Anyway, off the subject of age, let’s get right to the reason that I asked you to meet me here.”

  “Yeah, let’s do that.” Taking off his black leather jacket with our club’s patch embroidered on the back, he slung it over an old bar that still had some shine to it, amazingly enough. The top rocker carried the club’s name, Iron Cobras. Our mascot, a coiled, striking cobra took its rightful place right in the middle. Then the bottom rocker told everyone where our chapter called home, Maryland.

  Ever since I’d went from being just a prospect to actually becoming a rider in the club, I’d worn our patch every day. If not on my leather jacket, then on my leather vest. Nothing had ever made me feel so proud of myself as when the men had added me to their ranks four years back. “So, what do you think so far?”

  “I haven’t seen enough to make that type of statement yet, Axel.” Carl looked me in the eyes, almost challenging me to prove to him that this place was worth his time. “What do you wanna do with this place?”

  “You know how I’ve always been interested in strip clubs, right?” My rep preceded me as a man who sought out beautiful women. “I think this place would make an excellent one. And we could always use it as another avenue to profit from our already profitable cocaine trade. See what I’m sayin’ here, boss?”

  “A strip joint?” Carl’s eyes moved in constant motion, taking in every last aspect of the place that wasn’t too big and not too small either.

  He hadn’t dashed the idea, so I headed toward the back area. “Come on, let me show you the kitchen and then I can show you where I think private rooms would work. We could have it all here, boss. Can you picture it? That stage is just high enough so the girls can be seen, but far enough out of reach that anyone wanting to grab at them would have a tough time doing it.”

  Looking at the stage as we passed it, he nodded. “Yeah, no one would get to them, that’s for sure. But is that what we really want?”

  “We certainly do want that.” I’d seen clubs get torn asunder by bouncers having to haul men and even women off the stage when they’d decided they had to put their hands on the dancers. “We want our dancers to look as if they’re within reach but aren’t. You know, seemingly attainable.”

  Cocking one brow as he grinned, I found that a great sign that he would be on board with me. “And here I was thinking that you just went to those clubs to get ass. Seems you’ve been scoping them out for more profitable reasons.”

  “The ass is just a pleasurable side effect of the research I’ve been doing.” It had been my life’s dream to open a strip club. “Since I found my father’s stash of Playboys when I was only ten, I’ve found the feminine figure more than just appealing. I truly believe women of all sizes, shapes, and skin tones have the most beautiful bodies on the planet. You may not know this, but I’ve been sneaking into strip clubs since I was sixteen and looked old enough to get in.”

  A chortle and a slap on the back had me laughing along with him. “Axel, that pretty boy face you’ve got going on was most likely the reason they let you in.”

  Pretty boy? I hate that shit. “Well, I don’t consider myself pretty.”

  “Sure, you don’t.” Carl stepped in front of me, pushing the swinging doors to the kitchen open. “Now, this is my most favorite spot in any building. If this place can’t have a working kitchen, then it ain’t worth shit.”

  We often kidded Carl for being a foodie. Anything he ate had to look gorgeous, taste magnificent, and be served on anything but traditional dinnerware.

  “We will have to install a professional stove, oven, refrigeration, and freezers. But you have to admit that it’s laid out so well that it won’t be a problem to have this fully functional in no time at all.” Walking around the large, open area, I held out my arms to show him just how much space there was to work with.

  “It is big. And I like how open it is. I think we can work with this. I can get my kitchen guy to design it.” Glancing at me, he nodded. “You will let me take this part of the project on.”

  Not a question, but okay. “That would be great, boss. You’ve got the love this kitchen needs. And with your unique palate, I’m sure you’ll inspire some off-the-charts dishes our guests will crave, making them come back for more. And I’ll do the same with the girls. We’ll only hire the best, prettiest, sexiest strippers Baltimore has to offer.”

  “Good food – great looking women – now all we need is a couple of outstanding bars in this place and I think we’ll be on to something.” He walked out of the kitchen, wanting to see more. “This place you say we can make into private rooms, show me.”

  Walking down a hallway behind the kitchen area, we came out to the west side of the main room where the stage was located. “I’m not sure what these were used for back in the old days, but these small rooms would work great for what we need. There are no front walls, but each is separated by an inner wall. See, there’s six of them on this side and six on the other side of the stage. We can put up curtains to make them private.”

  “I bet you money, that’s what they used them for back then too.” Everywhere Carl looked brought a nod from him. “I wish I’d se
en this place before it closed. I didn’t move here to Baltimore from Rhode Island until after Sarah was born. But I can bet you this place boomed – at least in the fifties and sixties.”

  I thought the same way he did. And I thought it could boom again. “Come on, I’ll show you where the offices are.” Leading him up the stairs at the opposite end of the main room, we went up the red-carpeted stairs. “Of course, this old carpet will have to go.”

  He stopped then ripped a piece off a stair. “Wood floors. Now that’s what I’m talking about, Axel. We can work with this place. I’m telling ya.”

  “So, you think you’ll do it, boss?” I had my hopes up high that he would make the deal.

  “Let’s go up to what might be your office to discuss this a bit more.” His sideways smile told me he was as close to making a deal as he could be.

  “Sure. I didn’t get to go up here when I walked through with the realtor. She was busy that day and didn’t have time to show me all around.” Busy with me and getting naked as fast as she could. Heading upstairs, I walked into the first office and found it too small. “I think I’ll let the head of security have this one. It’s the closest one to the stairs, it makes more sense.”

  “Yeah,” he agreed. “And it’s small as fuck too.”

  Moving to the one across the hall, I found the wallpaper kind of girly. “Ah, purple walls. Nope. The kitchen manager can have this one.”

  “I like purple.” Carl followed me out.

  One more door was at the end of the hallway and I knew I had to pick this office for myself. “Well, this is just right.” Opening the door, I found old blue carpet filling a large room. “Hell, I can have a full set of furniture up here and a huge desk. This one is mine.” An ancient desk sat on one side of the room. “Looks like this is the one stick of furniture that got left behind.” Blowing a thick layer of dust off it, I saw dark reddish-brown wood.”

  Carl wiped the spot the rest of the way off. “Mahogany wood. You should keep this in here. It’s an antique and worth a ton.” He took out his pocketknife, then leaned over to cut a chunk out of the carpet. “Yep. Wood floors up here too. I’ll make sure we get a good floor guy in here. We’ll want to make these old floors shine.”

  “Sounds like a lot of work.” I leaned back on the desk that felt solid as a boulder.

  “It will be.” Walking over to a boarded-up window, he used the knife he still held to jimmy the nails.

  I went to help him. “Here, let me grab the board.” The most important thing I had learned from being a member of the MC was that you were always there for your brothers. Even for the little things that they might be able to do alone – your help would make it even less of an effort. And Carl being the president meant you were always supposed to help him out - no matter what.

  Even if you didn’t agree with what the president wanted, you did what he’d said to without commenting at all. Before Carl became president a couple of years earlier, another man ruled our club. He’d taken us into the cocaine trade, and we’d been profiting off of it for the last three years. The job of making sales had been mine since I was made a member. I didn’t mind doing it, but I wanted to do more with my life than just be a salesman.

  We sat the board on the floor and found the window faced the parking lot. “From here, you’ll be able to watch your customers fill the parking lot.” Carl smacked me on the back. “If I let you take on this endeavor. It’s gonna be a lot of responsibility, Axel.”

  “I know that.” I couldn’t let him give my dream to someone else in the club. “Carl, no one else has done their research on a business like this. But I have.”

  He went to sit on the desk, eyeing me like a disbelieving hawk. “Except for the pretty girls and the stage concept, I don’t know what else you know about running any kind of business. There’s more to it than that, you know.”

  “I do know that.” I didn’t have any formal business education, but I had a shitload of street education. “And haven’t I made you lots of cash by selling your coke?”

  “Yeah. But that’s not running a somewhat legitimate business. That’s being a salesman, Axel. To run this thing, you’ll need to be a sharp, inciteful businessman. And I know that you don’t have anything more than a high school education. You came to work for us right after graduation. Maybe we could put you through college first before we put you in charge of something this big.”

  I threw my hands in the air in exasperation. “That would take years.”

  “Four, to be exact.” He crossed his arms over his chest, looking like he wasn’t going to let me have my dream after all. “And it comes with a price tag of about fifty-grand. So, if you’re serious about wanting this position, then you’ve got lots to learn.”

  That wasn’t going to work at all. “Look, I can ask for help whenever I need it. I’m not too proud to ask for help. And I’ve got an aunt who takes care of the books at the old folks’ home she works at. She can tell me how to set up those kinds of things. I can do this.” I hated to sound like I was begging. But I wanted this so bad that it would def be worth it if I had to. “Boss, I want this. I’ve never wanted a damn thing in my life. I’ll work my ass off for this place. I’ll make it work; I swear that to you.”

  “You’re only twenty-four, Axel. That’s pretty young to be handed this much responsibility. You know how our club works. We make money. If you’ve got a business that ain’t making no money, then you ain’t got no business. Maybe one of the other guys can start this place and you can take over once you’ve got a business degree.”

  Maybe he was right. Maybe I needed a degree. Or maybe I just needed an assistant with one. “Johnny has some type of degree, right? He ran against you for president of the club a couple years ago, right? Didn’t he keep on saying something about having a degree and you not having one?” I didn’t care for that guy at all, but that’s exactly how desperate I was. I was willing to work with anyone if it meant I got to run the place.

  “That punk.” Carl ran his hand over his long beard. “Yeah - ass-kissing is what his degree is in.”

  Laughing, I thought the same way about the man but had never said anything before. “Yeah, he’s a real pain in the ass alright. He was so against you when you two ran against each other for president. Then you won and he’s been up your ass ever since then.”

  “Only to keep his nose into everything I’ve got privy to. But he does have that degree - an associate’s in psychology. But it does mean that he’s got follow-through, he accomplishes goals. And if he was busy with this place, he might get outta my hair.”

  I’m losing!

  “Come on, Carl. Don’t do this to me. That guy doesn’t have a clue how to run a business. Why do you think we didn’t vote for him? Everyone knew he would run our club into the ground. I can do this. I really can.” I fought the urge to fall to my knees to beg the man not to hand my dream over to some schmuck.

  His cell rang, and he pulled it out of his pocket as he held up one finger at me. “Hey, sweetie, what’s up?”

  That’s what he called his only kid, a daughter who he adored and wouldn’t let anyone date. Sarah had grown up around everyone in the club. But when her mother was killed, her dad put the lockdown on the girl who had been away at college when it all went down.

  “Tell her I said hi.” The girl was smoking hot. Long black hair, dark blue eyes, killer body – at least from what I remembered about her. It had been two years since I’d laid eyes on the girl.

  Carl only frowned at me as he kept talking to his daughter, “Sure, I’d love it if you came by this evening. I’m heading to the bar around nine. But any time before that’s fine.”

  So, she’s back in Baltimore. I’d had no idea she’d come back from college already. Who knew, we might accidentally run into each other now that she was home again. But it didn’t sound like she was living with her dad.

  “No, you can’t meet me at the bar. You know my rules, Sarah. If you can’t make it before I leave, we can get t
ogether tomorrow when we both have time.” Rubbing his temple, he looked slightly aggravated. “Okay. Seven is fine. I’ll be home by then. Can’t wait to see you, it’s been months. Love you, sweetie. Bye-bye.”

  “She’s back in town, huh?”

  Carl didn’t say a thing, just looked away as he put his cell back into his pocket. “Look, you know I don’t like to mix family with business. Anyway, I’ll think on this idea of yours. If I think it’s a profitable idea there’s a protocol to follow. I’ll have to call a meeting and we’ll have to vote on this. And on you, Axel. You know how this stuff works. It’s not all up to me.”

  Grasping at straws, I offered, “What about if you find me an assistant who you do trust? And not Johnny. He’s not right for this job and we both know it.” I couldn’t have that guy placed as my assistant now that Carl had brought up letting him run the place. And by the sound of it, the chances of them voting me in as the manager were low. I had to find the right man to partner with or I’d end up losing out.

  Without saying a word, Carl started heading out of the room. I followed him, hoping the silence meant he was contemplating what I’d said. But my heart pounded as I became more and more worried with every step we took.

  Grabbing his jacket off the bar near the door, he turned to me as he put it on. “Let me do some asking around about who has experience in something like this. It’s not personal, Axel. You’re a good kid. But it’s my responsibility to make sure our club doesn’t lose any of our money. You understand.”